• Tatan SUKWIKA Environmental Engineering, Sahid University Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Capacity Building, Alley Greening, Management of Plants


Greening activities along the alley by the housewives and several youths in RT01/RW03, Cibogor Village, Bogor City. Plant management is still individual or not collective and not in a neat and unplanned way. Therefore, it is necessary to assist the management of plants in the alley as a beginner step towards creating an attractive green. The purpose of the Community Service program is the optimal management of space along the alley for reforestation to create beauty and cleanliness in the alley environment. In this activity, the material taught is to carry out socialization activities to residents; Carry out training/assistance on plant management activities; and Carry out plant arrangement activities in the alley room and evaluate the understanding of the residents before and after the mentoring. The application of community service through plant arrangement activities in the alley room using this mentoring method is useful for introducing and practising and is easily applied at the community level. Technical assistance provided to residents based on residents' preferences in creating greenery in front of beautiful alleys. Efforts to optimize space along the alley have succeeded in creating beauty and cleanliness in the alley environment. The managerial implication is the residents can adopt other alley space utilization techniques by presenting various plants available around residents' homes such as varied from fruit plants, vegetables, medicinal, and ornamental plants.


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How to Cite
SUKWIKA, T. (2021). UTILIZATION OF SPACE TO REALIZE A GREEN ALLEY IN CIBOGOR VILLAGE, BOGOR CITY. ICCD, 3(1), 262-264. https://doi.org/10.33068/iccd.Vol3.Iss1.357