The amount of plastic waste production is increasing due to many foods and beverages packed using plastic. Plastic waste is classified as a difficult to decompose material, so it is necessary to process plastic waste skills to have good value and benefits. This kind of upcycled program is expected to reduce plastic waste, and its processed products can be beneficial for improving the community's economy. This program is upcycled given to children at Yayasan Langkah Kecil Indonesia, Banten. This training assistance aims to realize the community's active role in processing waste into beneficial results and selling value to be used as an entrepreneurial provision. In addition, handicraft skills by making plastic works are expected to improve the understanding and mastery of participants. The implementation method used in this training is participatory, namely the involvement of members in making decisions, including planning. The training activity is grouped by the age of participants, ranging from elementary school-age children to middle school. The facilitator will accompany during the training process, from giving instructions and directions to working tutorials. Upcycled activities in this activity focus on plastic waste, especially plastic packaging beverage waste. Plastic beverage bottles will be processed into another product that provides benefits and good value, such as a pencil case or a ballpoint stand.
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