Since the first case of covid19 confirmed at Depok and the covid19 patient increased, government through its regulation no. 21 year 2020 about Indonesian Large-Scale Social Restriction (LSSR) have been applied in various level up to implementation of restrictions on community activities lately. To survive, many of them try to start another business, culinary business becomes a favorite business to choose. Start from appetizers up to dessert. The other choose is main course. Currently home-made food become famous business to run. Food is basic need, everyone needs foods, traditional or modification. Warung Tegal (Warteg), one’s of famous traditional food stalls in Indonesia. Cheap, big portion of food, home-made and variety of menu make Warteg become blue-collar worker and lower income favorite place to eat. this study aims to know the benefit and advantage develop warteg as business choices, either self-force or franchise. This research is a qualitative research. Using one sample of Indonesian traditional food stall, which established more than 30 years and compared it with the current warteg franchise system. Interview and observation become collecting techniques in gathering the data. The result found that Warteg offer more than 26 menu every day, which give average PVCM 615,19% totally including coverage minus PVCM such as crispy tempeh, beside stable income and profit give interesting point of why people chose start Warteg business.
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