Coffee shops in the end became a very promising business. One of the coffee shop entrepreneurs who entered the beverage sector industry was Pijar Panggalih where the coffee shop was named Kontak Point. The coffee shop is located in the Cibinong area, Bogor Regency. There are several problems that happened to this coffee shop such as the lack of partner understanding of the importance of an attractive and informative logo design as well as the importance of registering a trademark/business and also the partner do not have an attractive and informative business logo. The purpose of this activity program is to provide socialization and assistance for Kontak Point coffee shop, especially related to understanding the importance of an attractive product logo design and how to develop it. The implementation of this socialization and mentoring activity will be carried out in stages where the place for the implementation of this activity will be directly carried out at the partner's coffee shop. The method and implementation pattern that will be used in this outreach and mentoring activity is the lecture method, question and answer, discussion, tutorial and consultation. The output of this PKM activity is a change in the logo design that will be used by Partners.
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