The current era of digitalization is able to provide an important role in running a business, one of the benefits of the development of digitalization is the change of promotion from traditional to digital promotion by utilizing social media, and sales made online by ustilizing the e-commerce platform. In this activity, partners help in doing digital promotion by utilizing social media on Instagram and Facebook and, as well as helping partners sell online by ustilizing e-commerce platforms at Tokopedia and Shopee MOJO shoe business located in Sidjoarjo. The background of this activity is because partners still do traditional promotions with Word of Mouth Marketing, print with brochures, promotions by looking for resellers, and cooperate with companies with the help of brokerage services commonly referred to as third people in marketing and sales. So the solution offered is to help partners create social media to conduct promotions and create e-commerce accounts to make online sales. The purpose of this activity is to change the pattern of businesses from traditional to digital marketing models by utilizing digital technology. The hope of this change is that partner products are better known in the Sidoarjo area and not only in the Sidoarjo area but more widely and increase partner sales profit.
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