Training aims to develop skills, knowledge, and attitudesin the process of increasing self-potential according to the needs and potential of the region. One of the useful trainings to develop regional potential is training batik making. Where the Annual Village, District Umbulharjo is one of the areas producing Craft Tourism. Kampung Tahunan has several studios that create batik products and jumputan fabrics. The potential of the area as well This is the culture of the Indonesian nation that must be preserved, namely by held a written batik training.
Batik Kenanga Mekar is a group of beginner batik craftsmen in Tahunan Village, Umbulharjo District. This village is one of the Cultural and Tourism Conservation Areas in the city of Yogyakarta. Geographically, the Tahunan Village area is strategic so that in 2011 it was inaugurated as a Cultural Tourism Village. As a Tourism Village, there are still many things that need to be addressed by adjusting the one in the vision and mission of the Medium Term Planning (RPJM) which is to improve the welfare and empowerment of the community. To support this, the potential of the community must be maximized, so that the devotees develop one of the existing potentials by empowering the local community which will later improve the welfare of the community. The artistic potential is high and creative, besides that the community still has a lot of time left that has not been utilized so that written batik can be developed.
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