In this community service activity, we collaborated with the Srengseng village in community service activities, where the Srengseng village area was still under the Kembangan sub-district, West Jakarta. Currently, Srengseng Village is led by Mrs. Hj Rusmini. After we discussed this activity plan with the Lurah, Ibu Hj. Rusmini, the kelurahan has plans in the future to form a Savings and Loans cooperative in the Srengseng village environment considering that in the area there are many people who have micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) where it is hoped that the planned formation of this cooperative will be an opportunity for the surrounding MSMEs in finding alternatives. funding their business. The targets of this community service are members of youth organizations, administrators of Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK) from Srengseng Village. Considering that when this activity took place the Covid 19 pandemic was still engulfing Indonesia and even the world, therefore this community service activity regarding the training for the formation of savings and loan cooperatives was carried out in one day, which was held through a webinar in a virtual meeting room (zoom application) held by a team of lecturers. Mercu Buana University by involving Srengseng Village and South Meruya Village, Kembangan District, West Jakarta. Training activities will be carried out on February 3, 2021 starting from 09.00 to 13.00. The PPM activity on that day was attended by around 120 participants from the South Meruya and Srengseng villages. Community service activities were carried out by providing counseling for youth youth cadres, PKK women regarding the establishment of Savings and Loan Cooperatives. After attending the training, participants have more knowledge and understanding related to the formation of savings and loan cooperatives. From the webinar activity, there was also a question and answer session and discussion with participants with the implementing team, where it was concluded from the results of the discussion of the activity that a container was needed to accommodate the products of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, especially those around Mercu Buana University, especially during a pandemic like this. where their sales have decreased drastically, therefore they hope to work with the cooperative from Mercu Buana University to help sell these Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises products. At the end of the counseling event, we have provided a questionnaire to be given to the participants.
References mampu hadapi-tantangan-global
UU No. 25 Tahun 1992 Tentang Perkoperasian PP No. 4 Tahun 1994 Tentang Akta Kop
PP No. 17 Tahun 1994 Tentang Pembubaran Koperasi PP No. 9 Tahun 1995 Tentang Usaha Simpan Pinjam
PP No. 33 Tahun 1998 Tentang Modal Penyertaan Koperasi Inpres No. 18 Tahun 1998 Tentang Pengembangan
Koperasi Kepmen No. 36 Tahun 1998 Tentang Penggabungan Koperasi Kepmen No. 35 Tahun 1998 Tentang Juklak USP
Panduan Simpan Pinjam Koperasi