Noodle Crackers (Ranggining) is one of the foods that are typical souvenirs from the city of Sukabumi which is still very traditionally produced by several mothers in Wangunreja Village, Nyalindung District, Sukabumi Regency. These crackers are only sold when there is demand coming in, they never market the noodle crackers to a souvenir shop because of the very low production capacity. The process of printing crackers is also done by a very heavy force, so the craftsman must use the foot as a pedestal to press the dough. The purpose of this community service activity is to produce a noodle cracker mould that can help simplify the process of printing noodle crackers. From this design activity, a cracker printer has been produced. From the results of the implementation of printing time for a tube volume of 839 cm3 or 0.839 litres carried out with 32 seconds while the previous pressing process with the same amount of dough takes 92 seconds. This means that using a new printer can increase efficiency by 60 seconds or 65.22%.
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