This training is an activity related to the economic empowerment of the community through cooperatives in partner villages. In order to support community economic empowerment, the counseling and training on managing business units in the scope of cooperatives is very precise. Cooperatives can be interpreted as a business entity that has members in which each member has the duties and responsibilities. Each member has the same voting rights in every decision to be taken. The cooperative financial management is very important in the management of cooperatives. How to manage finances on a cooperative will be delivered to this training. Therefore, this activity will give mentoring and training to the managers of cooperatives in particular and the general public so that the partner will be able to implement in the activities of managing the cooperative finances. The expected outcomes from this activity are: (1) Knowledge development in managing the finance of cooperatives in South Meruya village. (2) The formation of social groups concerned to develop cooperatives in South Meruya village.
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