Display is a channel for any artist to stay exist and sell their artwork in an exhibition. The display itself might be considered as a link and a bridge to multiple aspects and elements that are present in the exhibition room under certain intention and objective. Departing from the statement, the team of Community Service would like to educate and display the artworks of the people with disabilities in the Unit of Community Service Meruya through a training program in order to draw the purchase interest of the surrounding community toward their artworks. In brief, exhibition might be considered as a form of business meeting between the producers and the customers. In a more specific manner, exhibition might be considered as a promotional activity that has been performed by producers, groups, organizations or certain associations in the form of product display for the relation or purchase candidate. Through the training program and the experience of designing interesting display, it is expected that the artworks of the people with disabilities might gain high sale value and might be useful for their life
Tjokro, Sutanto. (2010). Presentasi Yang Mencekam. Penerbit PT Elex Media Komputindo Kompas Gramedia: Jakarta.