One of DKI Jakarta's government programs is the development of a Child Friendly Integrated Public Space (RPTRA), where every urban village in DKI Jakarta will be built RPTRA. One of the urban villages in DKI Jakarta that the RPTRA is building and the leading program of the PKK activator is already running is the Meruya Selatan village. The PKK group in South Meruya Village is one of the groups of women who have played a role in improving the family's economy. Several home industry businesses have been carried out by the PKK Group in South Meruya Village, namely the food and handicraft industry. Besides food and crafts, PKK Mart RPTRA Meruya Selatan also needs to develop new superior products that have prospective market prospects. Among the products that have interesting prospects to be developed are organic homemade soap. For this reason, training was made in making organic homemade soap to increase insight and knowledge in the diversification of business products to the community around the South Meruya RPTRA, PKK Women, and Youth Organization in Meruya Selatan Village
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