Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are important contributors to economic development. However, increasing the performance of MSMEs faces many obstacles and challenges, especially in the face of competition. Lack of understanding to manage businesses, capital and difficult access to external capital are the main challenges that must be faced by MSME entrepreneurs. MSME entrepreneurs find it difficult to obtain loan capital because they do not have sufficient assets to meet the loan requirements at the bank. To overcome this problem the Government issued a policy in the form of a credit program for MSMEs with guarantees namely People's Business Credit (KUR). KUR is expected to be able to help MSME entrepreneurs to increase business capital, so that business performance can improve. The purpose of this activity is to find out the difficulties faced by women MSME entrepreneurs, increase understanding in managing businesses, and provide understanding to access KUR funds. This activity was carried out in central Jakarta with a total of 150 female MSME owners. The method used is observation, training and filling out the questionnaire. The result of this activity is a report on the activities of the training conducted.
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