According to data from the Ministry of Manpower (Menaker) in 201 8 the number of entrepreneurs who grew in Indonesia rose 3.4% from the previous year of 3.1%. This growth exceeds International Standards of 2%. This growth rate is still very small for other ASEAN neighboring countries such as Malaysia which has grown 5%, Thailand has grown 4% and Singapore has grown to 7%. Chinese entrepreneurship growth has reached 10% and Japan has reached 11%. By looking at the comparison of the growth achievements of other countries , Indonesia is expected to become more competitive. To be able to achieve an increase in entrepreneurial growth, the government must work together with major companies to provide education and training entrepreneurship. Community empowerment by conducting entrepreneurship training and development aimed at Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Youth Youth Organization . In addition, there is also a need for training on how to get access to funding in creating a new company. As is known, one of the obstacles in creating new entrepreneurs is funding. . Entrepreneurs are considered to have a special role in innovation and bringing social change, traditionally from a macroeconomic perspective (Bosma et al, 2012).
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