The use of cooking oil is very close to the group of mothers who are members of the PKK in Pondok Surya Mandala, South Bekasi, both at home and from snacks, although the results of the 2017 study showed that the use of catfish pecel traders in Bekasi City is not safe. The solutions offered from this activity are: (1) The
holding of active participation in the PKK group; (2) holding socialization activities in the form of counseling on the use of healthy cooking oil; (3) Poster postings regarding the use of healthy cooking oil are held. The method to achieve the objectives is carried out stages: (1) Active participation approach; (2) Counseling with lecture and discussion methods; and (3) Installation of posters in strategic places. The results of the activities show that: (1) An active increase in community participation has been held, with a 75% attendance rate; (2) The socialization has been carried out by counseling about the use of healthy cooking oil, with an average increase in participant detention of 48.57%; and (3) Posters have been installed regarding the use of healthy cooking oil around RW halls and around mosques.
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