The purpose of this activity is to improve the economy and environmental sustainability by the two partners, namely Trash Simpati and Housewives of RW 09 Sindangrasa, East Bogor District, West Java Province. All this time, the two partners have been running a waste collection business using the Waste Bank System, which is obtained from waste in the RW 09 Sindangrasa, East Bogor District, West Java Province. The problem faced by the two partners is the generation of rubbish generated from household rubbish which usually piles up around residents' homes or dumped on river banks around Sindangrasa Sub-District. For this reason, a waste management system needs to be implemented, namely with the Waste Bank. The solution of this program is (1) Initial Socialization, (2) Technical Training, (3) Implementation of the Waste Bank System, (4) Monitoring and Evaluation, and (5) Development. The program target to be achieved in this activity plan for the two partners is to increase public knowledge about waste management with a garbage bank system by up to 90%. Community skills to manage waste up to 60%. Economic aspects of the community with additional income from the garbage bank up to 40%. To ensure the success of the program an evaluation will be carried out at each stage of the development of the program and after the garbage bank can run it will continue to be monitored and facilitated so that it will continue to develop through several programs that can be accessed from both internal and external communities
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