Often the word innovation is associated with the word invention. According to Drucker (1985), Innovation is a special tool in exploiting changes in various businesses and services. He added, this innovation can be presented as a discipline that can be learned and practiced. In other words, innovation is also said to be "an idea, practice, or object that is considered new by other individuals or adoption units" (Daugherty et al., 2011; Grawe, 2009; Rogers, 1995). Meanwhile, Tidd, Bessant, Pavitt, and Wiley (1998) define innovation as the process of turning opportunities into fresh ideas and being widely used in practice. Global Entrepreneurion Monitor (GEM), reports that entrepreneurship is now the main stage in the arena of public policy in most countries. As social, environmental and economic challenges face humanity, many people believe that business has an important role to play in transforming society in the future . Entrepreneurs are considered to have a special role in innovation and bringing social change, traditionally from a macroeconomic perspective (Bosma et al, 2012). The field of innovation is very broad. The ability to develop new ideas and innovations has become a priority for many organizations. Intense global competition and technological developments have made innovation a reality a source of competitive advantage. The ability of an entrepreneur to put forward the idea of a higher value can be a source of competitive advantage. Entrepreneur that can create competitive advantage are able to increase their activities with the experience gained, by the knowledge gained, over time, it may be a source of distinctive competence in the market.
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