STRATEGY OF POLITICAL PARTY CAMPAIGN ON SOCIAL MEDIA (Case Study of Partai Soldaritas Indonesia in Criticizing the Indonesian Parliament Through YouTube)
This research will examine a case study of PSI's political campaign strategy. The focus of this study is PSI criticizing the performance of the Indonesian Parliament through YouTube. The indication of criticism is a negative campaign carried out by PSI, starting to share information in the form of the performance of the Indonesian Parliament for the 2014-2019 period, among them skipping over plenary meetings, recess funds not transparent to the public and the law-making that takes years to process. This study aims to determine the campaign strategy carried out by PSI in criticizing the Indonesian Parliament through YouTube. And to find out what factors are behind PSI's use of negative campaigns via YouTube. The paradigm of this research is constructivism. The method used in this research is a case study by interviewing key informants and informants. The results of this study indicates that PSI has succeeded in attracting public’s attention by criticizing the Indonesian Parliament through YouTube. But the campaign carried out by PSI was not able to attract attention to the real world, PSI's criticism of the Indonesian Parliament was only "strong" on YouTube. In addition, the negative campaign carried out by PSI was motivated by PSI's desire to provide political education and to show that the performance of the Indonesian Parliament is far from public’s expectations.
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