The development of information and communication technology has brought a change in social life. That phenomenon also has an impact on the changes in the management strategies of the existing community media. The visible development of information and communication technology is also the development of the use of digital technology. Human innovation is currently focusing on electronic media which has been developed in the current digital age. The digital age is an era that leads humans to move from the use of analog technology in digital technology which is currently also rapidly growing with the convergence of Internet. During this period, conventional media or the traditional media acts as mass media delivered electronically. Local culture that has certain characteristics can be a product that has additional high value when it is adjusted to media development. Some efforts can be made to make community media as a mean to market local culture throughout the world. Those efforts can be made by incorporating local culture into the content of digital-based community media. Those efforts have been practiced by the Paguyuban Kridho Laras Karawitan and Paguyuban Karawitan Renggo Budoyo in Klaten. They used Internet technology with Facebook and YouTube as the platform.
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