The limitedness of space to move, making humans as spiritual beings is very vulnerable to losing meaning, meaning, purpose or role in his life (Ula, 2014) Losing the meaning of life will disturb the soul and can cause despair in a person, so that it can arise, feelings of guilt, worthlessness, suicide, and other fatal actions. One approach to coach and therapy that can be given is through religion approach, dhikr. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of "dhikrul maut” training on the mental health of prisoners, and as our form of community service program. This research was conducted with a quasi-experimental approach with the treatment of subjects or one group using pre-test and post-test. 30 respondents from this study were prisoners at Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Salemba which were taken on a random and voluntarily basis. This study uses 38 Mental Health Inventories by RAND Research Corporation in collecting data. The results were analyzed with SPSS 23.0, and based on the results of the analysis it can be concluded that: "Dhikrul Maut” training is effective enough to improve the mental health of prisoners (t = - 0.348; p> 0.005)
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