The phenomenon which becomes the object is the identity contestation Salafiyah veiled women in the Salafism community in Public Space. The concept of habitus and field's Pierre Bourdieu has a very important role, because this concept describes how the cultural production in the social world. Habitus is the rules inherent in a person and structured tendency to think, feel and act in certain ways, which then encourages the individual to behave and act in the social field. While the field is structured realm where individuals behave to controlled. ConstructivistStructuralist paradigm-particularly relevant used in this study because it provides viewpoints and limits palpable in research to explore the phenomenon of veiled women in public space. Research carried out by focus on a small portion of the community Salafiyah Muslim groups. Based on this research can be concluded that the communication in the group that carried out by Salafiyah community members indeed have a very important role to push contestation identity of veiled women in public domain. Reproducing the Habitus based system, which is constructed by the individual earlier and
inherited by channeling message agencies to community's Salafiyah now and will continue in the next Salafiyah community members.
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