Social entrepreneurship is defined as activities created by an innovative social value to achieve societal needs and financial sustainability. It is a business concept that involve conducting business that does not emphasis much on profit but for the benefit of mankind. Special Social Entrepreneur @Higher Education (SSEHE) is a programme mastered by Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) that collaborated with four other universities in Malaysia. The aim of SSEHE is to get handicapped youths to get together and follow talks and discussion in order to create awareness on how they can stand on their own to make a living. The main objectives of SSEHE are transforming the mindset of the disabled youths that they can be independent by involving in entrepreneurial activities, introducing the basic entrepreneurial knowledge to the disabled youths, opening job opportunities to the disabled youths and helping the disabled youths to start and/or expand their business. SSEHE has high hope to continue this programme in the future so that disabled youths are aware that they can use their skills to make a living for themselves and their loved ones.
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