Dense settlements in urban areas are one of the problems in DKI Jakarta, due to the discrepancy between the area of land and the population. RT.03/RW.01 Petukangan Utara Village Pesanggrahan Sub-district South Jakarta is one of the densest settlements in DKI Jakarta which is located next to Universitas Budi Luhur. Based on SNI 031733-2004, the population density level in RT.03/RW.01 of North Petukangan Village, Pesanggrahan Subdistrict, South Jakarta is included in the category of High Density. This can be seen in the dense residential row with the lack of Green Area. The community develops houses by using the land for building and pavement. This impacts the lack of healthy air circulation by SNI-14-1993-03 about the thermal comfort area of buildings for Indonesians. With thermal comfort that is not by SNI standards, the Community Service activity was made by the Universitas Budi Luhur Architecture Department to increase public knowledge about thermal comfort in homes with limited land. Thermal comfort can be achieved by creating a vertical garden on less land to produce cool air in residences. The activity uses the method of community empowerment so that the community can independently create a vertical garden in their homes and know its benefits as thermal comfort in the building. The results of the activities of the Community Empowerment Towards a Green Settlement on RT.03/RW.01 North Petukangan Village Pesanggrahan sub-district of South Jakarta is such settlements have a vertical garden as a natural air conditioning system. With the vertical garden as a natural air conditioning system, it can reduce the use of energy for artificial air conditioning, so that it saves energy and produces better air quality.
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