A community engagement initiative conducted in collaboration between Budi Luhur University's Faculty of Communication and Creative Design and North Petukangan Subdistrict, Jakarta, has yielded significant results. The program focused on enhancing public speaking skills and has left a notable impact. Participants in the Public Speaking Workshop reported substantial improvements in their ability to communicate effectively in public. They gained practical speaking techniques, overcame stage fright, and developed a better understanding of their audience, resulting in a boost in self-confidence. Participants expressed increased confidence and motivation to address audiences, a valuable asset in their roles at RPTRA and PKK North Petukangan Subdistrict.
Furthermore, the positive community response indicated a growing interest in similar programs, emphasizing the increasing awareness of the significance of public speaking skills for human resource development and community progress. The most significant impact was observed in human resource management at RPTRA and PKK, where enhanced speaking skills enable leaders and facilitators to communicate, motivate, and lead more effectively. In conclusion, this community engagement program has brought about positive changes in human resource development and community management in North Petukangan Subdistrict. It illustrates how higher education can benefit local communities, enabling them to realize their full potential.
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