One solution to family problems can be overcome by carrying out various family-based entrepreneurial activities. Family-based entrepreneurship can be developed to reduce dependence on job vacancies from companies, both government and private. Meanwhile in Indonesia, families like this have started to emerge and this can be seen in franchise businesses such as fast food franchises, retail store franchise service businesses, and so on. With the above problems, the service team carried out business counseling activities to create family entrepreneurship. By understanding business planning in developing family entrepreneurship, it will improve community welfare. Carrying out community service activities in a post-pandemic period like this is very challenging for our implementation team. We also adapt the form of activity to the needs and desires of the thirst for information regarding the preparation of post-pandemic business plans which of course see changes in business activities, by preparing business plans based on green management which is currently becoming a trend. between business actors in a deliberate and planned manner to improve the performance and sustainability of MSME businesses. It is hoped that this socialization will provide convenience for MSMEs, especially those in Marunda Flats, Marunda Village, Cilincing District, North Jakarta. able to make its business competitive and sustainable.
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