In this community service (Abdimas) activity, the Program for Improving the Basics of Electricity Understanding is carried out as well as solutions to every problem in household electricity. This is done as part of education to increase residents' understanding of the basics of electricity as well as discussions related to electricity problems experienced by residents in their daily lives. This activity was carried out at Pondok Lakah Permai Housing RT.002 RW.016, Paninggilan sub-district, Ciledug District, Tangerang City, the entire process from planning to the end of this PkM activity was carried out in about 4 months, starting from May to August 2020. the preparation stage, in accordance with the request for problem solutions from partners, a site survey is conducted to see firsthand the condition of the object where the activity is located. In this location survey activity, discussions and coordination were also carried out with environmental management at Pondok Lakah Permai Housing. Based on the results of the site survey and discussions with environmental administrators, the team then prepared a proposal for PkM implementation activities. Furthermore, the preparation of materials that will be delivered to residents and cooperation with PLN Kebon Jeruk to provide an understanding for residents related to PLN electricity and its latest programs. Based on the results of the preparation stage, then seminars or counseling will be held. Increasing understanding to residents related to the basics of electricity as well as solutions to any problems encountered in household electricity, this activity will be carried out on Wednesday, August 26, 2020 at the Balai Warga with open spaces and follow the Protocol Health is in line with the conditions of the Covid-19 Pandemic, so this activity was attended by a limited number of residents. In this PkM activity, the program is more focused on assisting residents to provide increased insight into knowledge about the basics of electricity as well as solutions to each problem, so that residents become more aware of matters related to electricity and are wiser in their daily use of electrical energy.
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