Batik craft is one of the businesses in the creative industry. The batik craft business is an alternative business for the residents of Kedungkamal Village, Grabag District, Purworejo Regency. This batik craft business is classified as a small and medium business. Batik craftsmen are members of the Arimbi Batik Group. The production process is carried out by batik craftsmen while the sale of the products is carried out by the Arimbi Batik Group. The management and members of this group have not implemented an effective bookkeeping system for business development. This is because the level of awareness of batik craftsmen in implementing bookkeeping is still low. Business bookkeeping is considered complicated. The service activity aims to provide 1) an understanding of the benefits of bookkeeping for businesses, 2) training in bookkeeping practices that are suitable for batik craft businesses, and 3) increase the motivation of participants to manage finances professionally to be able to improve the sustainability of their business. Methods: Service activities are carried out in the stages of preparation, training, mentoring, and evaluation. The implementation of activities includes the provision of material with lecture techniques and question and answer followed by discussion. The material is given face-to-face and in a personal consultation. Results: The management and members of the Arimbi Batik Group can identify financial transactions can record financial transactions can compile simple financial reports. The motivation of activity participants to manage finances properly is increasing. Conclusion: The implementation of the activity was attended by all administrators and members of the Arimbi Batik Group. Participants realized that recording business books was very important to improve the sustainability of their business. Participants were enthusiastic to learn more about computerized bookkeeping.
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