The prospective leaders who live in the era of Internet of Things, certainly will not experience difficulties to digital equipment. Their sufficient knowledge and skill of digital world, would become a strong foundation as a future leaders. The massive technology development, social media as one mean, has become a necessity that cannot be stopped nor avoided. This condition creates the huge and wide opportunities to enhance the credibility and competency of future leader. Recently, no one leader could move forward in their succeed without the information technology knowledge. However, those knowledge and skills will not enabling some one to automatically produce a positive and maximum performance for the organization. Hence, the agile management approach is needed to fill the gap for Z-generation to improve their performance. This paper use qualitative method through studying scientific sources such as books, journals and articles, to formulate a guideline or management concept to prepare Z-generations to face the millennium era. The research result that can be transformed for human resources management are 4 activities. They are collection (doing inventory through out topics and materials that has role to human resource quality improvement); clustering (doing identification and grouping of the inventory results with the similarities, and sort them by priority); process (doing a set of activities in cluster items that is arranged as priority set before0; and release (implementation through training for employees run by the human resource department).
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