The formation of entrepreneurship spirit is influenced by external factors from surrounding environment such as family, physical, social economy and other environments. Contextual factor like entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurship experience, academic and social support, also business environment are predicted to have influence to entrepreneurship motivation. Building entrepreneurship character in children is more about how to assemble the nature and characteristic which independent, responsible with the help of entrepreneurship education theoretically and practically, and also real example, due to the time long process of characteristic construction. The research method that is used is qualitative using descriptive and investigation method. The purpose of the research is to know how is the entrepreneurship learning in school, to analyze the obstacle and support in developing the entrepreneurship learning and also to know is there any its influence towards forming the student’s entrepreneurship characteristic. The project system which is held by the school is very helpful for the student to become more convenient in teaching and learning process. Because project system carried out not only in the class but also exploration and survey outside the class. The output from Enterprise Education are creative and innovative meanwhile from Entreprenuership Education are knowledge in the business world.
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