A sense of concern for the environment, one of which is by planting tree seeds. On this community service activities this time, we planted tree seedlings in the Citarum Watershed (DAS), in Jelegong village, West Bandung. The location selection was based on the condition of the area which was damaged by human activities, including the conversion of land into a trash can. This tree planting activity has a negative impact on the surrounding environment. This activity was carried out before the pandemic, on November 24-25, 2019 involving the Budi Luhur University Academic Community as a form of concern for the environment. This activity also involves Jelegong Village Community and Officials as well as the TNI who served as the Sector 8 task force. The tree seedlings planted were fruit tree species such as mango, rambutan, jackfruit and others.The number of trees that planted spread across the watershed totaling 150 trees. The one, who is responsibility for the maintenance of this plant is a shared responsibility between the Budi Luhur University Community, this activity is expected to increase the awareness of the people of Jelegong Village about the importance of maintaining and conserving the balance of nature, especially in the watershed area in Jelegong Village.
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