The massive information on various social media platforms, particularly Instagram, frequently shows the euphoria or attractiveness of young marriages by influencers who may have privileges that may be different from the followers. This study focuses on two primary issues, namely: the background of young marriage among influencers and the youth’s view on the young marriage trend among influencers. This study aims to discover the reasons of young marriages performed by influencer and learn about the youth’s view on the trend of young marriage influencers on social media Instagram. This study uses the basics of mass communication, computer mediated communication theory, new media, symbolic interaction and social reality construction. This study uses a qualitative approach with case study. Data collection techniques are conducted in-depth interviews and the object of research is the content of young marriage influencers and the subjects in this study are young people and influencers. The results of the study show that influencers conducting young marriages are based on the desire to have children quickly, the freedom and the desire to learn responsibility. The youth’s view on influencer young marriage constructs expectations of freedom, romance and happiness of young marriage so that many young people are encouraged to do young marriages that are motivated by influencers and the neighbors.
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