This community service activity is motivated by the work of indigenous peoples in the form of Subhanale woven fabric that do not yet have intellectual property rights (copyright). With the progress of the times and the incessant amount of information, it is very necessary for the Sasak indigenous people to protect the works of indigenous peoples that already exist from generation to generation, so that this community service activity has the aim of (1) providing an understanding of the importance of maintaining their creations, (2) encouraging traditional society leaders and village officials to immediately register the intellectual property rights (copyright) of Subhanale woven fabric.This activity is a regulations socialization so that indigenous peoples know that the intellectual property rights (copyright) of their works can be protected by the government. It can be seen from the artworks owned by the Sasak people in the form of woven fabrics with the Subhanale pattern which are very popular with the public even from abroad. Because there is no intellectual property right (copyright) for the work, it is vulnerable to be claimed by other parties who are not entitled to it. The conclusion of this socialization activity received a positive response from the community, which was marked by understanding the copyright importance of their work and will immediately manage the intellectual property rights (copyright) with support from local academics and other related parties so that indigenous peoples get legal recognition of their artworks.
Saidin, O.K. (2004). Aspek hukum hak kekayaan intelektual (Cetakan ke-4). PT Raja Grafindo Perkasa.
Sinaga, V.S. (2012). Utilisation of intellectual property rights by Indonesian small medium enterprises: A case study of challenges facing Batik and Jamu industries (unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia.
Sinaga, V.S. (2014) Faktor-Faktor Faktor-Faktor Penyebab Rendahnya Penggunaan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual di Kalangan Usaha Kecil Menengah Batik. Jurnal Hukum Ius Quia Iustum, 21 (1), 61-80.
The Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
UU No. 30 tahun 2000 tentang Rahasia Dagang
UU No. 31 tahun 2000 tentang Desain Industri
UU No. 19 tahun 2002 tentang Hak Cipta
UU No. 28 tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta
UU No. 20 tahun 2016 tentang Merek dan Indikasi Geografis