During the pandemic, the sustainability of MSME businesses and communities that produce superior tourism village products crucially need an effective promotion and marketing strategy, including through virtual exhibitions. The virtual exhibition is expected to expand the local market area and support increased sales of various superior products through online networking channels. In this case, product display planning and layout arrangement of several booth categories that are part of the virtual exhibition is very important because it can strengthen the characteristics, uniqueness of the product and be able to add value to the products displayed while promoting the tourist village. The general objective of this community partnership program is to hold an exhibition of superior products of tourist villages by using several categories of furniture to support product displays. This program will apply knowledge about structuring booth categories for various superior products in a virtual exhibitions which are more flexible and thematic in nature. It is expectedthat through understanding the arrangement of display booths in an exhibition can supportvillage communities, especially farmer groups, social organization that empowers women to participate in the development of Indonesia (PKK). and Youth Organizations to produce display arrangements and display booth designs in an exhibition that is suitable for the products of tourist villages in the tourist village of Pasirmulya. This program will be in the form of training in managing three categories of superior product for tourist villages in Pasirmulya: culinary, fashion and crafts. The method that will be used is to collect literature data on various display booth layouts as well as data about virtual exhibitions including superior products, as well as observing opportunities and target markets. Furthermore, a field survey will be carried out to record the condition of the location that will be used as the location of the exhibition as well as interviews with partners as supporting data collection. The end result of this programis display arrangement skills training for each product in an exhibition to strengthen the identity of a tourist village, improve product marketing and as a MSME business sustainability, especially in Pasirmulya village.
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