The beach in Anyer Serang is an area with a very famous marine and coastal natural tourism destination and is visited by many tourists. However, after the tsunami in December 2018, the number of tourists coming to Anyer decreased. This is because there is no guarantee of safety if tourists visit this area, lack of information about the disaster mitigation system, and the unavailability of signs/signs where and how to go when a disaster occurs, such as: evacuation routes, evacuation sites and so on. The objectives and targets of this Community Service activity are: (1) to find out whether visitors, traders, fishermen and local communities are given knowledge about disaster mitigation; (2) provide knowledge about disaster and disaster mitigation to visitors, traders, fishermen and local communities; (3) evaluation of knowledge about disaster and disaster mitigation in the tourism area of Anyer, Serang Regency. This activity uses a tourism method based on individual disaster mitigation which is carried out directly at tourist attractions. In its implementation this method begins with interviews with visitors, traders, fishermen and local communities about tourist sites and disaster mitigation from entrances to exits, and several alternative evacuation routes, and several events that have occurred and may occur, then lectures - discussions (ask responsibility) related to disaster and disaster mitigation, then evaluate the knowledge of visitors, traders, fishermen and local communities about disasters and disaster mitigation. The location of this community service implementation is the Green Garden Resort Anyer tourist area, Serang Regency. This Community Service activity was carried out for visitors, traders, fishermen and local communities in April 2020. From the activities carried out, it can be concluded that the knowledge of tourists, traders, fishermen and local communities about disasters and disaster mitigation is still lacking, especially supported by the absence of guidelines. /sign disaster mitigation.
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